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Holy Face Confraternity

We offer devotion and reparation to the Holy Face of our Lord Jesus Christ for all the insults and indignities committed against His Holy Face and for the blasphemies and profanation of Holy Days.
Chaplet of the Holy Face
We know that there are many sites which offer different versions of the Holy Face Chaplet. We pray the version that was taught to us and handed down through the generations by the Archconfraternity in Tours, France.


All can & should offer the Holy Face prayers of devotion and reparation to our Lord and His Blessed Mother. Anyone desiring a closer association with the mission and Members, may opt to become registered Members of the Confraternity. This may be accomplished at one of the  monthly meetings or by sending your name, mailing address & contact information to us. Members must be at least 18 years old and agree to follow the statutes and rules of the Confraternity of the Holy Face. Upon being enrolled, you will receive a Manual of the Confraternity, a Holy Face Chaplet & the booklet of the Holy Face Prayers.
Holy Face Chaplet.MP3Confraternity - Dallas
00:00 / 07:06

Monastery of the Infant Jesus of Prague & St. Joseph

© 2017-2024  Carmelite Nuns of Dallas

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