As an Aspirant, you would meet with the Prioress for pre-formation on a monthly basis. This is a time of preparation and will last apx. 1 year.
Postulancy lasts at least 1 year. During this time you & the Community have been jointly discerning your call to Carmel. If all agree, you will receive the Holy Habit during a Clothing Ceremony and officially become a Novice.
The Novitiate constitutes the first steps and foundation of the religious life. The formation program will help you experience these basic values, as you try to live them faithfully instead of just knowing them in theory. You will begin to keep your eyes fixed on our Saints, who are masters in this art. The Novitiate lasts 2-3 years.
At the end of your Novitiate and with the consent of the Community, you would make your temporary profession. You understand the life because you have lived it. But now, urged on by the Holy Spirit and with the support of your Community, you prepare to ascend the spiritual heights of Mount Carmel.
A religious becomes a full member of the Order once she is Solemnly Professed. She will receive the black veil which marks her as a Bride of the Crucified, but her formation is on-going - practicing unto perfection the things that most please her Lord.