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The Discalced Carmelite Nuns are a reformed branch of the ancient Carmelite Order, whose patron is Elijah, the Old Testament prophet of Mount Carmel in the Holy Land. Like St. Elijah, we stand in the presence of the Living God to experience His nearness and to pray for His people.

We are a cloistered contemplative community. Our way of life follows the reform of Saint Teresa of Jesus (Avila), a joyful expression of total dedication to Christ in a community atmosphere of unity and constant prayer. Our daily life is centered around the Eucharistic Sacrifice of Jesus - daily mass, from which we receive the grace to live up to our calling. The hours pass in an alternating rhythm between prayer and manual labor. Simplicity of life, the silence and solitude of a hermit,  & the support of a loving community all help us as we "journey onto heaven."

A vocation to Carmel is an individual's response to a Divine invitation. This living witness of a life consecrated to Christ serves the Church through the hidden fruitfulness of Faith and self-sacrificing Love.

Monastery of the Infant Jesus of Prague & St. Joseph

© 2017-2024  Carmelite Nuns of Dallas

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